Military Service Recognition Book

Military Service Recognition Book 38 Considering Your Options: Independent Retirement Living For many seniors, the term “retirement community” represents a place where seniors move when they are incapable of living on their own. But independent YL[PYLTLU[ SP]PUN JVTT\UP[PLZ VɈLY HU L_JP[PUN HS[LYUH[P]L MVY ZLUPVYZ HUK VSKLY Pioneered by Holiday Retirement in 1971, independent retirement living communities are designed for seniors who are capable of living on their own HUK JHU ILULÄ[ MYVT H THPU[LUHUJL MYLL HJ[P]L SPMLZ[`SL Unlike assisted living facilities or nursing homes, independent senior living JVTT\UP[PLZ KV UV[ WYV]PKL HYV\UK [OL JSVJR HZZPZ[HUJL ^P[O KHPS` HJ[P]P[PLZ like eating, bathing, and dressing. (Though, residents who choose to live at independent retirement communities who may need additional assistance are ^LSJVTL [V HJX\PYL [OPYK WHY[` OVTL OLHS[O JHYL ZLY]PJLZ -VY PUZ[HUJL V\Y 6U[HYPV JVTT\UP[PLZ VɈLY [OL MVSSV^PUN JVU]LUPLU[ ZLY]PJLZ to their residents: On-site Meal Service – Seniors who live alone may not prepare regular, OLHS[O` TLHSZ ([ V\Y JVTT\UP[PLZ HU L_LJ\[P]L JOLM WYV]PKLZ [OYLL U\[YP[PV\Z meals from scratch daily. Transportation – Leaving the driving to someone else saves money on gas, vehicle maintenance, and insurance costs. With scheduled shuttle service, residents who are unable to drive, or simply wish not to, no longer have to rely on loved ones or use busy public transportation.