Military Service Recognition Book

39 Call one of our eight, convenient Ontario communities to schedule your personal visit and complimentary meal today! Social Opportunities ¶ 4\S[PWSL Z[\KPLZ JVUÄYT [OH[ ZVJPHS PU[LYHJ[PVU JHU OH]L H ZPNUPÄJHU[S` WVZP[P]L PTWHJ[ VU H ZLUPVY»Z ^LSS ILPUN 6\Y JVTT\UP[PLZ VɈLYZ H ]PHISL ZVS\[PVU ^P[O LUYPJOPUN HJ[P]P[PLZ ZVJPHS WYVNYHTZ HUK ]VS\U[LLY opportunities. Security ¶ ;V LUZ\YL WLHJL VM TPUK MVY YLZPKLU[Z V\Y JVTT\UP[PLZ LTWSV` [^V ZL[Z VM SP]L PU THUHNLYZ ^OV HYL H]HPSHISL [V YLZWVUK in case of emergency. No Maintenance – Independent senior living communities help seniors enjoy H THPU[LUHUJL MYLL SPMLZ[`SL 9LZPKLU[Z UV SVUNLY OH]L [V TV^ [OL SH^U VY KLHS ^P[O [PTLS` HUK L_WLUZP]L OVTL YLWHPYZ 0U HKKP[PVU [V [YHUZWVY[H[PVU V\Y communities provide housekeeping and linen services as well. Finally, instead of juggling multiple bills, nearly all services, amenities, and \[PSP[PLZ HYL JV]LYLK PU VUL JVU]LUPLU[ TVU[OS` YLU[ ;OLYL HYL UV I\` PU MLLZ and no hidden costs. With communities like ours, independent retirement living is a lifestyle that many seniors and their families are gladly choosing. These communities not only keep seniors from losing their freedom, they help them take some of it back. To learn more about independent retirement living, visit or stop by one of our communities for a personal visit. /VSPKH` 9L[PYLTLU[ PZ UV[ HɉSPH[LK ^P[O HU` OLHS[O JHYL WYV]PKLY 9LZPKLU[Z HYL ^LSJVTL [V VI[HPU ZLY]PJLZ MYVT HU` WYV]PKLY VM [OLPY JOVPJL  /630+(@ *(5(+( 4(5(.,4,5; <3* I n d e p e n d e n t R e t i r eme n t L i v i n g 888-693-5038 Anchor Pointe 888-682-9034 Burlington Gardens 888-313-8159 The Court at Rushdale 866-978-2899 Kingsdale Chateau 888-828-5803 Stamford Estates 877-429-0364 The Court at Brooklin 888-397-6483 The Court at Pringle Creek 888-892-3645 Sherbrooke Heights