Military Service Recognition Book

Military Service Recognition Book Volume X 18 Our team of licensed psychosocial specialists provides mental health support and counselling services, addressing the unique challenges and stresses faced by our clients. We offer individual, group, and family therapy sessions to help manage stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Psychological Support We offer a range of non-cannabis topical cream solutions designed to address pain, neuropathy, and inflammation. We guide you in selecting the most effective solution for your specific needs. Our skilled naturopaths provide virtual consultations, offering personalized care that includes herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle recommendations. Our naturopathic services aim to compliment traditional medicine, supporting your overall wellbeing and recovery. Topical Pain Creams Naturopathic Medicine Our dedicated dieticians offer personalized nutrition counseling and meal planning services, helping our clients to manage chronic conditions, recover from injuries, or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dietitians plan and conduct food service or nutritional programs to help people lead healthy lives. We recognize the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis for various health conditions. Our experienced team will assess your eligibility and provide guidance on the most suitable cannabis products and dosages, all through a secure virtual platform. Medical Cannabis Prescription Registered Dietician Services Spartan Wellness Canada Serves Veterans, Active Duty, First Responders, Police, Fire, RCMP, and Their Families, Along with All Canadians through Tailored, Integrated Virtual Health Services VAC Assistance & Insurance Support: We understand the complexities of navigating Veteran Affairs Canada (VAC) and other insurance platforms. Our team is here to assist with claims, paperwork, and reimbursement processes, ensuring you receive the support & coverage you deserve.