Military Service Recognition Book

Military Service Recognition Book 150 The Northeastern Ontario Construction Association salutes our Ontario Veterans, past and present. Thank you for your service. The Northeastern Ontario Construction Association is a leading advocate for the advancement of the building and construction industry in our region. ,Q D XQL´HG YRLFH LW UHSUHVHQWV WKH LQWHUHVWV RI LWV FROOHFWLYH PHPEHUVKLS LQ D SXUVXLW IRU H[FHOOHQFH DQG SURVSHULW\ LQ WKH LQGXVWU\ The Red Cross, which includes 189 national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world, was born from the desire to help the sick and wounded on the battle eld. Today, the Canadian Red Cross remains a symbol of help and hope for those experiencing crisis. Here in Canada, that help could mean providing assistance to people who have experienced a house re or ood, or supporting a senior to live independently in their home and community. Globally, the Canadian Red Cross provides assistance following devastating natural disasters, health epidemics and areas experiencing war or civil unrest. Across the street or across the world, the Red Cross is there. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS HONOURS THE SERVICE OF VETERANS, BOTH PAST AND PRESENT, WHOSE COURAGE, SACRIFICE AND CONTRIBUTIONS CONTINUE TO BE FELT BY CANADIANS EACH AND EVERY DAY. Our spirit has endured and you can help ensure it continues to thrive. For information about leaving a legacy gift in your will to the Canadian Red Cross, please call 1-866-886-4174 or email