Military Service Recognition Book

Military Service Recognition Book 136 0DNDPL (QJLQHHULQJ *URXS /WG 500 Barry Downe Road, Unit 15-B, Sudbury, ON P3A 3T3 (705) 523-1340 As an established company in Northern Ontario, Makami Engineering services a distinct client base within the Mining, Railroad, Forestry, Steel Production and Commercial Industries. Makami Engineering sustains a diverse portfolio of impressive projects and continues to expand throughout North America. Our Professional Engineering Services include: ƒ Structural / Mechanical / Specialty ƒ 3D Laser Scanning / Tracking ƒ Welding Engineering & Inspection ƒ Finite Element Analysis Utilizing the industry leading Leica Scan Station P20, Makami Engineering has the unique ability to perform 3D laser scanning of existing building infrastructure and equipment, integrating this data directly into our design ' PRGHOV 7KLV WHFKQRORJ\ DOORZV XV WR SURGXFH KLJKO\ ³ILHOG DFFXUDWH´ designs accommodating actual field conditions and dimensions. With laser scanning technology Makami Engineering is able to process and analyze scan data to characterize wear in a wide range of mineral processing equipment. Makami Engineering integrates CAD models with point cloud data to ensure fit and function which guarantees that client design requirements are met. The City of Windsor proudly remembers and honours our Veterans and sacrifices they made so that we could be free. The City of Windsor proudly remembers and honours our Veterans and the sacrifices they made so that we could be free.