Military Service Recognition Book

Military Service Recognition Book 144 HIRING HEROES More than job assistance. Commissionaires hires veterans and recognizes the valuable skills, training and experience they have gained. We provide meaningful and flexible employment opportunities in: • Security services • Enforcement and non-core police services • Training • Fingerprinting and identification services Join the 20,000 Commissionaires working nationwide. >L ^PSS UL]LY MVYNL[ 100% WHOL E GRA IN CÉRÉ ALES ENTIÈR ES À 100% TM/MC 6U ILOHSM VM P[Z LTWSV`LLZ >LZ[VU -VVKZ ^V\SK SPRL [V [OHUR HSS 6U[HYPV ]L[LYHUZ IV[O WHZ[ HUK WYLZLU[ MVY [OLPY V\[Z[HUKPUN ZLY]PJL >LZ[VU -VVKZ YLJVNUPaLZ [OH[ P[ PZ ILJH\ZL VM [OL THU` ZHJYPÄJLZ VM [OL ]L[LYHUZ HUK [OLPY MHTPSPLZ [OH[ ^L HSS LUQV` [OL MYLLKVTZ ^L OH]L [VKH`