11 www.on.legion.ca ONTARIO COMMAND A MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER Fenety Marketing is very proud of its participation in the publication of The Royal Canadian Legion – Ontario Command’s Annual Military Service Recognition Book. It is always an honour to work with The Royal Canadian Legionon this historic series of recognition books, which offers another avenue to continue its mandate as “Keepers of Remembrance” so that the selfless contributions made by our veterans will not be forgotten. This fourth edition in the series devoted to recognizing veterans and ex-military service personnel throughout Ontario coincides with the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and Canada's 150th Anniversary of Confederation. Canada was forged by many great men and women, and this publication highlights some of these brave souls. I would like to thank the citizens and business owners of Ontario who have supported this very worthwhile project of The Royal Canadian Legion, as it is their support that makes this legacy of The Royal Canadian Legion possible. “Lest We Forget” Mark T. Fenety President Fenety Marketing Services 1-800-561-4422 www.fenety.com