13 www.on.legion.ca prove their point, I ZDV DVNHG WR µJXHVV¶ WKHLU DJHV $V , ORRNHG DURXQG WKH URRP , ZDV IL[DWHG RQ WKHLU VPLOHV DQG , WKRXJKW WR P\VHOI µ<RX¶UH DOO ORRNLQJ VR ZHOO ,¶P VXUH P\ QXPEHUV ZRXOG EH RII ¶ 7KHUH¶V D ORW WR FRQVLGHU ZKHQ PDNLQJ DQ\ PRYH DQG , ZDQWHG WR NQRZ ZK\ WKH\ had chosen 148 Markham Rd as their new address. Was it the dining room with three meals daily, the concierge service, available healthcare services, housekeeping service, security, tuck shop, salon with barber and hairstylist, fitness center, games room, lounges, onsite chapel, parking, social events and activities²just to mention a few amenities. The room was silent, what was I missing? 7KHQ , DVNHG ³,V LW WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR VRFLDOL]H ZLWK RWKHUV ZKR \RX PD\ KDYH FRPPRQ LQWHUHVWV ZLWK"´ The men, as if on cue and well-rehearsed, piped in that it was simply a preference to be independent, to do what-they-want, when-they-want; Jean provided an answer which was slightly different, she added she was delighted to have chef-prepared meals served daily. Aside from location, I was delighted to learn Scarborough Retirement Residence (SRR) understands the value and importance of living an independent lifestyle for these veterans. Before I overstayed my welcome, it was time to leave. I like the French word for gooGE\H $X UHYRLU ,W OLWHUDOO\ PHDQV ³WR WKH VHHLQJ DJDLQ´ DQG , ZDV hoping for such an opportunity. While admiring, the many portraits displayed honouring resident military members of past and present. Suzanne, SRR¶s Life Enrichment Manager walked by and stopped WR VD\ µ:H¶OO VRRQ EH adding five more; we are so pleased more and more local veterans are taking advantage of the services and support we are able to provide them at their individual level of needs here at SRR. And we are only 10 minutes from Highland Creek Legion on Lawson Road and the Tony Stacey Center for 9HWHUDQV¶. , OLNHG KHDULQJ WKDW LW¶V LPSRUWDQW WR DOO RI XV WR KDYH SHRSOH ZH FDQ WDON WR ZKR XQGHUVWDQG RXU H[SHULHQFHV where we live and in our neighbourhood. Suzanne DOVR VKDUHG WZR RI 655¶V RWKHU WUDGLWLRQV in recognition of their resident veterans for their sacrifice and selfless service. The veterans along with their spouses are invited to a formal luncheon especially prepared by chef Victor Gamage preceded by a commemorative service µRSHQ WR DOO¶ on November 11th , officiated by older and younger modern day veterans who have had and have the toughest job of all²protecting our freedom. As I had hoped, opportunity knocked and I received an open invitation from Suzanne to meet up with these upstanding veterans again by attending their memorial service on November 11th , an opportunity to join in the recognition and celebrations of our servicemen who sacrificed so much to shape our great country. This is a marked occasion when veterans proudly come wearing their medals in accordance with regulations emanating IURP 4XHHQ¶s Regulation and Orders maintaining the Canadian Forces reputation. Once a soldier, always a soldier. II \RX¶UH WKLQNLQJ RI UHWLUHPHQW 655 RIIHUV D ZLGH VHOHFWLRQ RI OLIHVW\OH IHDWXUHV DQG DPHQLWLHV DQG WKHLU WHDP of dedicated care professionals want to give you the independence you want and provide you with the support you need, now and in the future. Hope to see you in November. Come and discover how you can continue your retirement your way at SRR, contact Maureen Scordamaglia, Community Relations Manager for further information. ʹ maureen@scarboroughretirement.com, (416) 264-3566 ext.310 Harold Hird, Petty Officer, Yeoman Signals