Military Service Recognition Book

Military Service Recognition Book 14 In honour of the men and women who served or are currently serving in the Canadian Forces, John Deere introduces its Military Discount Program. Through our popular GreenFleet™ Loyalty Rewards Program, we are offering current and former service members a free two-year Platinummembership. Along with valuable equipment discounts, GreenFleet Loyalty Rewards Platinum PHPEHUV UHFHLYH VSHFLDO ƟQDQFLQJ RSWLRQV ZRUNVKRS SURGXFWV GLVFRXQWV DQG RWKHU H[FOXVLYH PHPEHUV RQO\ EHQHƟWV (OLJLEOH PHQ DQG ZRPHQ FDQ VLJQ XS IRU the program by visiting the GreenFleet Loyalty Rewards Military Discount website. 7R ƟQG RXW PRUH DERXW *UHHQ)OHHW /R\DOW\ 5HZDUGV YLVLW XV LQ SHUVRQ RU JR to ZZZ -RKQ'HHUH FD JUHHQƠHHW. Because you served, nowyou can save.