Military Service Recognition Book 20 The Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) is proud to salute the courage and dedication of the men and women in uniform who serve our country today, or served it in the past. We recognize those who have been injured or who have made the ultimate sacrifice, either while on duty or as a result of post-traumatic stress disorder. To them and to their loved ones, we express our most sincere gratitude. The Ontario Civil Service Association, which eventually became OPSEU, was founded three years before the outbreak of the First World War. Many public employees would serve in that conflict, in the Second World War, and in the Korean War. Those fortunate enough to return were determined to foster at home the respect for human dignity for which they had risked their lives overseas. OPSEU honours Canadians in uniform &DQGLDQ 0XQLWLRQV ZRUNHUV DQG QXUVHV > "@ 7RURQWR $UFKLYHV &DQDGLDQ $UPHG )RUFHV QXUVH DQG SDWLHQW $UPHG )RUFHV SKRWR OLEUDU\