5 www.on.legion.ca ONTARIO COMMAND A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Comrades All... It is an honour and a privilege to bring greetings and thanks to all on behalf of Ontario Command. In May of 2013, the concept of a Military Service Recognition Book for Ontario Command was introduced at the Provincial Convention in Kingston, Ontario. Though confident the program would be a successful endeavour for Ontario Command, we were anxious of conveying that confidence to our delegates. The unanimous support from the floor was a pleasant surprise! The program to date an overwhelming success! The many submissions which followed have been amazing, a truly remarkable testament to your Ontario ‘Heroes’. Yes, some stories are brief, as sadly, were the lives of many of those heroes. The book is a tribute, to all of Ontario’s servicemen and servicewomen, of whom we are proud and to whom we are grateful for their contribution to our great country, and the freedoms, we enjoy. To some, the Military Service Recognition Book is a Book of Remembrance, providing a brief glimpse of the life of a Veteran now passed. For myself, as a Legionnaire, it is a Book of Promise. Our Promise to always Remember, to never let, the contribution of Canada’s Military to world peace and the Canadian way of life, be forgotten, nor taken for granted. As long as, Canada has a military, we have an obligation. Thank you to Comrade Ron Goebel for his commitment to the program, to our co-ordinators Comrades Carolyn McCaul and Mary Ann Goheen, for their dedication and behind the scenes contribution, and to Fenety Marketing without whom we wouldn’t be publishing these memories. Finally, Special Thanks to you the members, and Families of our ‘Heroes’, for sharing these stories, your faith, participation and patience, has made this project a success, of which we can all be proud! In Comradeship, Sharon McKeown President The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command