Military Service Recognition Book

117 ONTARIO COMMAND DAVIS, Evans Greenwood Evans was born in London, Ontario on October 27, 1885. Col. Evans Greenwood Davis, M.D. C.M.G. served Canada’s Forces in both World Wars. Dr. Davis was awarded the CMG in 1916 in a private fifteen minute investiture with King George V. This recognition was for his ability to command various hospitals in World War I. From 1939 to 42 Evans served as Deputy Director – General of Medical Services with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. He served in the Mediterranean, England, France and Canada. After his service in both wars, Evans resumed his private practice in his home town of London, ON. Evans passed away on May 24, 1951. DEARDEN, Craig Spencer Craig was born in Toronto, Ontario on August 8, 1953. He joined the Navy on October 21, 1974. He served with Digby Training Unit as Seaman First Class in Canada post World War II. He completed his basic training in Digby, Nova Scotia and was then stationed at Stadacona where he completed as Seamanship Sonar Technician course, but did not complete the Trades Training Course. Once released on June 11, 1975, he went back to Ontario and got married. Craig resides in Sudbury, Ontario. DEARDEN, Clifford Clifford was born in Burnley, England on February 28, 1927. He enlisted in the Army in February 1945 with the Parachute Regiment, 6th Airborne Division and trained on the Isle of Wight. After passing “Jump School” he was posted to Germany with the 7th Light Infantry as Occupation Troops. With war over in Japan, he was sent back to Bulford, England and then posted to Palestine. Among several postings, one of Aqir; where for two years he and his fellow soldiers were trying to stop the bitter war between the Arabs and the Jews. He served in England, Germany and Palestine as Private/Acting Sergeant during World War II. He was discharged in February 1948 and received the War Medal, the Defence Medal and the Palestine Medal with Clasp. After returning to civilian life, Clifford sold insurance and immigrated to Toronto in 1952. He took on several jobs and then began a career as a sales representative with a Food Broker and later as an Account Executive for a Food/Drug Broker, where he remained for 36 years. He has been a member of Port Stanley Legion Branch 410 for more than six years. Clifford and his wife Pam, now make their home in St. Thomas Ontario.