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Military Service Recognition Book

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Recognize our Veterans

As the “Keepers of Remembrance”, Ontario Command is proud to publish an annual Military Service Recognition Book to identify and recognize many of our Veterans in Ontario, who have either served or are still serving in our Canadian Armed Forces, the Commonwealth or Allied Forces.

We invite you to visit your local Legion Branch to obtain more information regarding this Remembrance program and more importantly, to submit a story and photo of a Veteran. Everyone is welcome to submit a story, including Veterans, relatives or friends.

Drop off or send your histories and stories to your local Legion Branch early. We accept them year-round.  Please do not drop them off or mail them to our Provincial Command Office. 

This project not only produces an annual Military Service Recognition Book, but also raises funds through a telephone appeal to the general public and through advertising sales.

The book publisher, Fenety Marketing, conducts a telephone appeal on our behalf to private citizens and the business community throughout Ontario.

Funds raised through the program are being utilized to support various Veterans Transition Programs that in turn will assist our Veterans who suffer from various challenges they face through their day to day lives.

We invite you to share your story or the story of a loved one through your local Legion Branch.


Ontario Command
89 Industrial Parkway North
Aurora, ON, L4G 4C4


Toll Free: 1-888-207-0939
Phone: 905-841-7999
Fax: 905-841-9992
Email: info@on.legion.ca

