21 www.on.legion.ca www.opseu.org That concern for the well-being and basic rights of others is still alive and well in OPSEU. OPSEU fights for a better life for all – not just for its members, but for everyone in Ontario. Those who bravely step forward to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces know they risk life and limb for people they will never meet, who will never be able to thank them personally. It is that spirit of altruism that inspires us all to create a better, more just, and more compassionate world for all. The 130,000 members of OPSEU join with millions of individuals around the world and across the years to say to our heroes in uniform: We know what you have done, what you are doing, and what you may have do to protect our way of life. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. :DU 9HWHUDQV 3URWHVWLQJ /DFN RI :RUN > "@ 3RVVLEO\ WDNHQ RQ &ROOHJH 6WUHHW RQ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ 'D\ 7RURQWR $UFKLYHV &DQDGLDQ $UPHG )RUFHV SLORW $UPHG )RUFHV SKRWR OLEUDU\