Military Service Recognition Book 86 Bob was born on February 9, 1895 in Eurphrasia Twp. He enlisted in the 1st Depot Battalion 2nd C.O.R. Canadian Expeditionary Force on May 11, 1918 and served in the CMGR Pool France as a machine gunner during WWl. He received his discharge on June 22, 1919 and came home to work on the family farm. He later went to work for the Department of Highways. He was awarded the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. In his later years, Bob came to live with his son and family in Bolton, ON. Bob was a founding member of the Beaver Valley Legion Branch #281 on January 10, 1936. He passed away December 4, 1980, proud to have served his country. Sponsored by Topac Express, Bolton, ON Private Robert James Camplin Lest We Forget