Lynn McClellan
First Vice-President, Ontario Command
Currently a Member of the Elora Branch #229.
- Joined the Orville Hand Branch #521 in Bradford Ontario in 1972 as an Associate Member.
- Served as Branch President for three years.
- Transferred to the Elora Branch in 1990 and again served as Branch President for four years.
- Held several chairs at Branch, Zone, and District levels.
- Received a Life Membership Award in 2006.
- Served as Zone C3 Treasurer, District C Treasurer, Zone C3 Commander, District C Commander, Provincial Vice President, and currently Provincial 1st Vice-President, Provincial Leadership Development Chair, and Provincial Cadet Liaison.
- Owns a retail furniture business in Guelph with Darlene, his wife of 51 years.
- Proud father of two children and five grandchildren.
- Enjoys playing golf and having fun.